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    Brief Introduction of School of Media & Communication in Wuhan Textile University
    作者:  发布时间:2019-09-22      浏览次数: 审核人:

    With an open perspective of "New media, Cross-media, Hypermedia", School of Media & Communication of Wuhan Textile University aims at the forefront of Journalism and Communication and keeps up with the latest development of the media industry. It also follows the wave of the development of the media industry and integrates multiple disciplines such as Journalism and Communication, and Art Design, and fosters a comprehensive teaching model encompassing humanities, arts, science and technology, aiming at cultivating compound senior media talents bound for the era of new media who feature strong humanistic feelings, exquisite artistic skills, scientific and technological awareness, and an international vision, and who enjoy both theoretical and practical competence.

    The college has three teaching departments (Journalism and Communication department, advertising department, and digital media department), as well as two teaching centers (general education center, and Convergence media communication experimental training center), with around 1100 enrollments. It offers six undergraduate programs in advertising, radio and television, network and new media, digital media art, animation and photography. In addition, it runs multiple postgraduate programs for nearly 100 students in art theory, design (animation, digital media art), journalism and communication, and art design (in the field of art design and broadcasting).

    The school boasts an outstanding teaching team with high academic qualifications and professional profiles. Professor Ghislaine AZEMARD, academician of the French national academy of social sciences. Professor Matthias Lehnhardt, Dean of the School of Art and Design at the academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg, Germany. Professor Wolfgang H. Swoboda, doctor of philosophy and educational communication at the university of applied science in Hamburg, Germany and Professor Qiu Song from school of fine arts of Tsinghua university has been appointed as distinguished professor and leading professor of "chutian scholars" respectively. Meanwhile, it has invited a lot of visiting professors from other institutions including Communication University of China, Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, Birmingham City University and Hubei Radio and TV Station were hired as visiting professors of our college. Currently, The college has a total number of fifty-five full-time teachers, of which six are professors, Thirty-three associate professors. Thirty-two of the full-time teachers have PhDs.
