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    Introduction to The Major
    作者:  发布时间:2019-09-22      浏览次数: 审核人:

    1.Code of The Major 130508

    2.Training goal

    This major aims to cultivate interdisciplinary design talents with profound scientific knowledge and good artistic skills, who can use a variety of modern digital media art design tools to design and create artistic works. It has been dedicated to preparing students to master the basic theories, knowledge and skills of computer science and technology, and art design, to be proficient in programming and using different types of digital media production software, and to apply various new digital media creation tools to graphic design, film and television production, film and television advertising production, mobile multimedia video production, the production of network media, animation and the application research of the field of virtual reality. And its graduates are qualified for jobs concerning research, design, planning, engineering development and management in government agencies, universities, cultural media companies, network service companies, radio and television companies, computer game production companies, advertising companies, digital museums, cultural centers, publishing houses and other related enterprises and institutions .

