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    Teacher from the School of Media Won International Awards and Reported by Scientific American
    作者:  发布时间:2021-11-12      浏览次数: 审核人:

    Recently, art works The Brainwave Project, made by Chen Qi, teacher from the School of Media, participated in the art and neuroscience competition sponsored by the Dutch Academy of Neurological Sciences, and won the 2021 nomination of Brain Neurological Arts of the Year in 2021. The competition was co-sponsored by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, the Dutch Institute of Neuroscience, and the Scientific American. The Scientific American, as one of the support platforms for the competition, also reported the competition on its official website.

    The Arts and Neuroscience Competition was held by the Netherlands Neuroscience Institute in Amsterdam and has gone through 10 years since 2011. The competition is organized annually, and a jury of artists and scientists will select one artwork of the year and five honorary awards among the contestants worldwide. As one of the six people, Chen Qi stood out from participants from more than 20 countries. The Dutch Institute of Neuroscience evaluated the work as "full of goodwill, and has its unique understanding and reflection on human being".

    Scientific American reported: "The winning work is The Brainwave Project created by Chen Qi, teacher at Wuhan Textile University, the work presents the exploration of using art to stimulate the brains of patients with minimal consciousness and conveys the results to his or her family in an artistic way. She invented a method to convert brain waves into special images, turning data into images that viewers can intuitively feel and interpret. In a five-minute documentary, Chen Qi presents her process of design and testing, which she calls as a combination of functional art and art therapy.

    The cross-integration of art and science and technology is an important direction for the development of digital media art major in the School of Media, and is also a new path for art talent training. Teachers of the digital media art school are also constantly improving and exploring the combination of art and technology, and many teachers have won high-level recognition in international conferences and international competitions.
